
Wed, May 05

17:29 I just unlocked the "Explorer" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/aew4Ia 17:29 I'm at トレッサ横浜 (港北区師岡町700, 横浜市). http://4sq.com/6AIUYF 09:00 t-little.tumblr perfume: minerva-a-chan: jamjamjam3: infromoutofnowhere: g…

Thu, May 06

20:13 ファンクラブトゥワー DVD さっそくぽちっとした。きもい。 09:00 t-little.tumblr "I think this is the tipping point for the web. The modern web had over 10 years to reach .. → http://am6.jp/aibPDc 02:19 "I think this is the tipping poin…